My Black Panther by Guest Blogger Extraordinaire, Aaron Needle

My Black Panther – 03/16/09

—-Beginning of Dream—–
One night in early 2009, I dreamt that I was walking alone through a forest-filled park at dusk. I looked behind me and saw a long slender black panther. I became a bit unsettled and picked up my pace. However, he continued to get closer to me. I turned around again and saw he was extremely close. I was at the end of a trail and had nowhere to go for an attempted escape. As I looked into his expressive green eyes, I no longer felt threatened. Instead, I saw his need to connect with me. Then I began to feel this bond being developed between us.
—-End of Dream—–

I documented this dream the next morning. However, I forgot to enter the date in my journal. On my way to work the next day, I turned on the news and heard that 2 black panthers were found in Tallman Mountain State Park in Palisades, NY. I was shocked, having just written my dream less than an hour earlier. However, my dream specifically had 1 panther yet 2 panthers were reported in the news.

2 black panthers were found in Tallman Mountain State Park in Palisades NY.

What an odd coincidence? That is, if you believe in them. I believe there are no coincidences in life and this was not coincidental. However, as much as I wanted to associate my dream with this news report, I knew they had no relationship……well, not directly. I was not able to understand this dream at the time and left it as an unsolved entry in my journal.

Several months later, my wife returned home from an animal shelter, as she had frequently done in the past. However, this time she was carrying a tiny kitten. This seemed odd because she was not particularly fond of cats. Besides we already owned 4 dogs. When I asked her what drove her decision to adopt a kitten, she responded that as she left the shelter, this tiny kitten reached out of his cage to catch her attention and for some reason she felt this immediate bond. She then decided to adopt him. I supported her decision, as I would never want any animal to spend their life in a shelter without the love of a family.

The next day, my wife and son decided to name the kitten “Oliver”. I told them that when I was younger, my mother and sister saved a cat and also named him Oliver. What struck me as being odd was that I never mentioned Oliver to my family in the past because we were dog lovers and I really never thought much of it.

About 9 months later, we were gathered around the dinner table with family discussing how quickly Oliver grew. My father mentioned that Oliver seemed to have grown to be a long and slender cat. He almost looked like a miniature panther….and yes, Oliver’s coat was black and eyes were green.

I immediately recalled my Black Panther dream from several months earlier. I then remembered that in my dream the panther never came close enough for me to gain a sense of his size. The animal in my dream looked like a black panther just as Oliver looked like a black panther the night of our family discussion.

I re-read my dream and noticed the missing date. I remembered that the dream occurred the night before 2 black panthers were found in the Palisades. When I researched the story, I found that the panthers in the park news coverage occurred on 3/17, which meant that I had my dream the night of 3/16. I then traced the timing of Oliver’s adoption and realized that my dream occurred during the week of Oliver’s birth!

As a side note: If you reverse the date of my dream (March 16), you come up with the number 613. This number constantly appears to me in various forms representing a sign. In this case, I believe it represented confirmation of the relationship between my dream and Oliver’s birth and subsequent adoption. Additionally, 613 is “coincidentally” the number of laws found in the Jewish religion.

The story below was what I found on the internet when I tried to figure out the date of my dream The MonsterQuest Search for Black Panthers in New York

Are Predatory Big Cats Hunting in the Suburbs of New York City?

Recently, New York residents have been reporting an alarming number of black panther sightings. Eyewitnesses describe these big cats as muscular, approximately 8 feet long, 130 pounds, rounded ears, long tails, and with razor sharp teeth. Experts agree that there has not been an indigenous big cat population in New York for over a hundred years. The MonsterQuest Team investigates what is behind these big cat sightings in the episode entitled “Tigers in the Suburbs”.

Residents of the Palisades, New York area reported over a dozen big cat sightings in early 2009. Dorian Tunnel saw two black panthers in New York’s Tallman State Park on 17 March, 2009. He was bike riding with his son when he heard a thrashing sound in the woods. He then saw a large black panther jumping over a rock about 25 yards away. He spotted a second big cat crouched as if waiting in ambush. He states that both cats had a very shiny black coat of fur. He was able to retreat from the area with his son without incident.

Professional tracker Shane Hobel believes that he has found proof of these black panthers in the Palisades, New York area. He has found the tracks of what he believes to be a big cat. The tracks were found in an area where he has found more and more deer kills that are different from the normal coyote kills. Hobel has also located what he believes to be the claw marks of a large cat on a tree in the area.

Our Guest blogger:

Aaron Needle is not a psychic by profession, but his connection to the other side is quite astonishing. Fortunately for us, he is a remarkable record keeper who maintains a journal containing all of his predictions that have come to pass over the years. If you’re patient, you’ll get to read all about them in the book he’s currently writing. But in the meantime, he’s promised to share some of his experiences with us, as long as I make it worth his while. Deal was, I had to agree to scrub his toilets twice a week…with a toothbrush. (I trust you won’t tell Aaron I use his.) So you can see, my devoted readers, there’s nothing I won’t do to bring you the very best paranormal news.

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